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Monthly Archives: June 2020

I Spy With My Little Eye…

Our family goes on a lot of walks. Especially now that we have an adorable 2 year old dog. On these walks my daughters often find things that interest them and ask me to hold on to it. It could be a leaf, a little flower that fell, or even a wood chip! They love nature and never want to leave anything behind. We’d get home and I would have a handful of things that I didn’t know what to do with.

I wanted to encourage their exploring nature, so I made them magnifying glasses that would allow them to keep their little treasrues safe. They love looking into the magnifying glass to see what they can find as we walk around, and get so excited when they find something to stick to it.

What I really love about this magnifying glass is that it is a great way to teach your child about nature. They may see things through their magnifying glass that they can’t collect, but may be curious about. They will be full of questions as you walk around.

Here’s how we made our magnifying glasses.

What You’ll Need:



X-ACTO knife

Press’n Seal


How To:

  1. Draw a magnifying glass onto the cardboard.
  2. An adult can use the X-ACTO knife to cut it out.

3. Place the magnifying glass onto press’n seal. Sticky side up.

4. Cut the press’n seal so that it is only behind the circle.

5. Cut a small circle in the middle of the press’n seal so your child can peek through to find their treasures. ( Look at the finished magnifying glass at the top of this post to see how to make the little circle)

That’s it! You can write on your magnifying glass, color it. Whatever you would like. I hope your little one enjoys playing with this as much as my daughters’ do.

Comment down below with your thoughts. Looking forward to hearing from you.

*Adult supervision is required*

Sight Word Games

When your mom is a teacher, you never know what is going to happen when you see her take out a muffin tin and some baking cups. She could be baking something delicious, OR she could be making a learning game. Today, I decided to save the baking for another day, and made a learning game instead. My daughters were slightly disappointed until they got to play the game. They were completely engaged which was nice to see and forgot all about baking. If you would like to see a video of them playing, visit my Instagram @thiscraftygirlmom

What You’ll Need:

Muffin tin

Baking cups


Pom poms (two different colors)

Index cards

How To:

So, for this game you can review any skill. Letter recognition, sounds, sight words, even math, to name a few. Today, we decided to review sight words.

  1. Write 12 sight words in marker on the baking cups and index cards.
  2. Place the baking cups in the muffin tin.
  3. Hand out the pom poms and place the index cards between both players.
  4. Each player gets a to pick a card and place their pom pom in the muffin tin that shows the same word. The first player to get three in a row wins!

I ended up writing all of the sight words for their age on a bunch of baking cups and index cards, and we kept switching them out. They played until we reviewed them all! Mom win for sure!

Sight Word Palm Tree

What I love about this sight word craft/activity is that it is completely personalized. Your child gets to use their handprints as leaves, and you can include only the words they really need to review on the coconuts. My daughters enjoyed tracing their hand and trying to figure out how to place the rectangles so it looked like the tree was leaning. They had a fun time which is a positive when they are completing a learning activity.

What You’ll Need

  1. Green, brown and white construction paper.
  2. Scissors
  3. Glue

How To:

  1. Trace your child’s hand and cut out the handprints.
  2. Cut out little rectangles to make the tree bark
  3. Cut out circles (coconuts).
  4. Write the sight words on the coconuts.
  5. Glue down the tree bark first onto the white paper, then add the handprints and coconuts.

You do not need to glue down the coconuts. Your child can simply place them on the leaves, say the word, and then remove them to work on new sight words as they learn more.

That’s it for today. I hope you like these activities. Comment down below. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

*Adult supervision is required*

Ocean Themed Crafts

My daughters are really interested in ocean life and can not wait for our first trip to the beach this year, which is happening at the end of the month. While I love the ocean, and enjoy going to the beach, I am a bit weary of what lies beneath the waves, and rather sit on the sand. The last time I went into the ocean ( a few years back), something rubbed against my feet and I jumped onto a strangers back to get away from it. Turned out to be seaweed… In my mind, jumping on that stranger was totally justified. They didn’t mind, they found it rather funny actually. I’ll just keep my toes in the sand and out of the ocean this year.

Anyway… since summer is around the corner, and our first beach trip is upon us, I thought we could make some ocean themed crafts.

Paper Plate Fish

This adorable little fish was quick and easy to make. I had everything we needed in the house which is an added bonus. It is always great when I don’t have to order materials.

What You’ll Need:

Paper plate


Paint brush

Cupcake liners

Googly eyes


  1. Cut a triangle out of your plate. Save the triangle.
  2. Paint the plate any color you would like. Let it dry.
  3. You can use the triangle you cut out as the tail of your fish. Glue it to the back of your paper plate. Pointy side in.
  4. Glue on the googly eye.
  5. Fold each cupcake liner in half and then in half again. Glue them down onto the plate. You can make any pattern you would like. Cover the tail with the cupcake liners as well, and add a top fin.

Paper Plate Octopus

While I love making this octopus with my daughters, you have to watch the pointy ends to the pipe cleaners. I usually cover them in some way when my daughters are using them. Also, make sure an adult is always present when your child is making or playing with this octopus as the uncooked pasta noodles can be a choking hazard. Aside from that, this craft was so much fun to make and my daughters spent a great deal of time placing and removing the pasta noodles to create different looks.

What You’ll Need:

Pipe cleaners

Paper plate

Google eyes

Construction paper



Uncooked pasta

Food Coloring & Vinegar (optional if you’d like to dye the pasta)

Single hole puncher

How To:

  1. If you are dying your pasta noodles, prepare them a couple of hours before you start this project so they have a chance to dry. There are so many different methods online to follow if you’d like to do this. I do suggest finding a method that uses vinegar instead of alcohol in case your child licks the pasta.
  2. Paint your paper plate and let it dry.
  3. Once your plate is dry, punch 8 single holes into the bottom of the plate.
  4. Push the pipe cleaners in the holes and tie them around the back of the plate. Make sure the pointed ends stay around back and doesn’t make their way to the front.
  5. Glue two google eyes by the octopus’ tentacles.
  6. Cut out three circles from construction paper and glue them to the top of your octopus.

Now you can let your child put the pasta onto the tentacles. They can try out different patters, they can count, whatever you’d like. If they lift the plate the noodles will fall off. You can secure them if you would like. We like to keep them loose so that we can keep trying out different looks.

Coffee Filter Turtle

My daughters and I love turtles! When we saw a version of these coffee filter turtles on Instagram @kidsactivitiesblog we knew we had to make our own version. They are so adorable, we wish they were real!

What You’ll Need

  1. Coffee filters
  2. Markers
  3. Green and blue construction paper
  4. Googly eyes
  5. Glue
  6. Water and pipette

How To:

  1. First cut out the legs and head for your turtle. Glue the legs and head down as seen below. Glue the googly eyes to the turtle’s head.

2. Flip your coffee filter upside down and flatten. Draw a pattern.

3. Using your pipette, drip water all over the coffee filter. Let it dry. You can glue the coffee filter down onto the turtle’s body or just place it on top so you can keep changing out the shell. Up to you.

If you would rather your turtle have a raised shell, try out the turtle down below.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Coffee filter
  2. Green and blue construction paper
  3. Googly eyes
  4. Glue
  5. Scissors

How To:

  1. First cut out the legs and head for your turtle. Glue the legs and head down as seen below. Glue the googly eyes to the turtle’s head.

2. Flip your coffee filter upside down so it looks like the raised turtle shell.

3. Cut out green cirlces (or whatever you’d like to add to your shell) and glue them on the shell.

4. Place the shell over the turtles body. We didn’t glue this one down. We wanted to make many different shells and change them out.

That’s it for today. We hope to try out different ocean themed crafts this summer. Do you know any fun ones? Comment down below?

*Adult supervision is required*

Father’s Day Gifts

We have been busy over here making some Father’s Day gifts. My husband much rather receive something handmade than store bought from our daughters, which is great, since us girls love a good crafting session. We’ve spent the entire morning cutting, pasting and coloring, and can not wait to present these gifts to Daddy on Father’s Day.


Since my husband enjoys fishing, we made one of our gift ocean themed. My husband will definitely enjoy turning this plate around and around to read all of the lovely messages our daughters have written out for him.

As we were making this gift, I was reminded of the last time I went fishing with my husband. It was a long time ago, before our daughters were born. Instead of catching a fish, I caught a crab. When I tried to release it back into the ocean, it fell into the boat and started running around snapping its little claws at me. Have you ever had a crab coming at you with his snappers up and ready to pinch!? I hope not, but if you have, you’ll fully understand why I haven’t gone back. Anyway, scroll down to see how we made this craft.


Two paper plates



Paint brushes

Paper fasteners

Sharpie ( If you choose to write on the plate)


  1. An adult can cut out a fish window onto one of the paper plates. Then, paint an underwater scene onto the same plate.
  1. Put the paper plate you just painted (when it is dry), on top of your second paper plate, and push a paper fastener through them both.
  2. Use the fish window to trace the same fish onto the bottom plate. Keep turning the top plate and tracing until you run out of room. We ended up with 4 fish.
  3. Remove the paper fastener, and the top plate and paint the fish. Once they dry write a message on each fish.

4. Put the plates together again and put the paper fastener back.

That’s it. Now turn the top plate and read each message.

Handprint Flower Bouquet

My husband loves to garden. Our backyard is filled with beautiful flowers and vegetables thanks to his green thumb. We thought it was fitting to give him some flowers on his special day, but since he has enough real flowers, we decided on some handprint flowers. We found this adorable craft on Pinterest, and knew it was the right one to make for his big day. We made a couple of adjustments so we could add some writing, and love the way it turned out.


Colored cardstock

White cardstock (Large enough to fit the flower bouquet)

Glue stick


Black marker

How To:

  1. Trace your child’s hand and part of their arm.
  2. Now, trace just their hand onto 5 different colored papers.
  3. Cut out all of the handprints.
  4. Cut 5 long strips of green cardstock.
  5. Glue the green cardstock (flower stems) to the white cardstock.
  6. Glue down the handprint (with the arm) so it looks like it is holding the bouquet of flowers.
  7. Glue the other handprints onto the stems.
  8. Cut out white squares that will fit into each handprint. Write down 5 different messages for Dad on these squares. Glue them down onto the handprints.

Your flower bouquet is done!

What are your plans for Fathers Day? Have you made any crafts or have you tried one of these? Comment down below!

*Adult supervision is required*

Tie Dyed Paper Towel

Summer is coming, and while I can not wait to put away our homeschool schedule and turn off zoom, I do want to find a way to sneak in some learning over the next couple of months. This tie dyed paper towel activity is one way I plan on sneaking in some academics this summer. My daughters love this activity because they think they are just playing around even though there is learning happening.

I’ve used this activity in the past to review letters, numbers, shapes and sight words. And now, even though they are older, I still use it to review other skills. Today, for instance, we got out our pipettes, markers and paper towels, and worked on fractions. Every time I said a fraction, they would find it on the paper towel, and use their pipettes to drip water on it. Their favorite part was watching the fractions disappear into a mess of blended colors. It really is fun to watch.

They didn’t complain once about doing math because they were having so much fun. AND they actually asked for me to draw out more fractions so they could continue blending the colors together. WHAT! More fractions? Mom win for sure. Ok… I really don’t think they realized we could just draw any random picture and get the same results, and thats why they asked for more fractions, but hey, I’ll take it.

That’s it for today. If you want to see a video of us doing this activity, head over to Instagram @thiscraftygirlmom. Until next time.

*Adult supervision is required*

Grass Heads

Last year, or maybe it was two years ago… or was it three? I have no idea! I’m loosing track of time. Let’s just say, at some point in the past few years, I read about grass heads on Pinterest and my daughters and I have been making them ever since. We have so much fun watching their “hair” grow and really love when it’s time to give them a trim. You can also style their “hair” when it gets long enough. I think I have been in quarantine for too long, because today, when my grass head’s “hair” was long enough to style, I was so excited. Don’t judge me… ok, judge if you must. My daughters even gave me a sideways look as I gleefully tied the grass into a ponytail.

You can’t tell me this isn’t cute!

Here’s what you’ll need:

Plastic plant pots (clear cups work just as well)

Potting soil

Grass seeds

Construction paper

Googly eyes

Buttons and pom poms (optional)


Hot glue gun (glue dots also work depending on what your using to plant your grass in)

How To:

First, glue the face onto the plastic plant pot. Next, fill it with potting soil. Don’t go all the way to the top, leave some room. Add a good amount of grass seed and then cover the seeds with soil. Water daily.

If you give this a try, comment down below. I would love to hear how it went.

*Adult supervision is required*