Coffee Filter Rainbow Craft

The weather is becoming nicer, (thank goodness guys, being quarantined with children when it is cold outside is not ok) and we have been enjoying all that Spring has to offer. We’ve been riding bikes, going for long walks, and searching for rainbows on rainy days.

I think seeing a rainbow is one of my daughters’ favorite things. It is always such big deal, even though they have seen over a dozen. There’s a magical quality to a rainbow that even adults enjoy.

We won’t be seeing any rainbows in the sky today, so we thought we would make some to put in the house. We searched on Pinterest this morning and found an adorable rainbow coffee filter craft and just had to try it out. We love a good coffee filter craft.

What I love about this craft is we had all the materials needed to complete it in the house already. We didn’t have to order a single thing! I love when that happens. Scroll down to see how we made them.


Coffee filter


Spray bottle filled with water


Googly eyes

How To

First, you will need to flatten out your coffee filter. And FYI, coffee filters DO NO like to lay flat, so do the best you can. Now you can start coloring your coffee filters. Go around in a circle in rainbow order.

Now it is time to spray your coffee filter and watch as the colors blend together. My girls love this part! Make sure to protect the table underneath the coffee filter.

Set them aside to dry and start working on your cloud. We cut ours free hand and hoped for the best. We glued on some googly eyes, drew on a smiley face and they were good to go.

Check on your coffee filters and see if they are dry. If they are, cut them in half to form your rainbow. Glue the cloud to the coffee filter rainbow and you are all done!

Comment down below if you gave this a try. I’d love to hear how they turned out.

*Adult supervision is required*

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