What I Let Slide During Quarantine

Lately, I have been thinking about how I let things slide during quarantine. The majority of people I spoke to about this said they have given up on keeping their homes clean and no longer restrict their children’s electronics. For me it wasn’t either of those things. It was something else.

I couldn’t let my house get messy because I became a complete germaphobe during this quarantine. Did this happen to any of you? Whenever I get a spare minute I’m scrubbing something. Everything must be clean! I am sure I will calm down about this… one day. For now it is what it is. The cleaner the house, the safer I feel.

I also didn’t give my children unlimited access to their electronics. This isn’t because my children are so well behaved that I don’t need to distract them with television and iPads. Not at all. It is because they have become obsesses with yodeling. Yes… YODELING.

Every time they turn on the television, the sound of someone yodeling ( and the sound of my daughters yodeling) fills the house. It’s cute, I will give them that, but how much yodeling can two little girls listen to? Too much, the answer is TOO MUCH! There is such a thing as too much yodeling, in my opinion, not theirs. It was going on ALL DAY LONG! Thanks but no thanks. Electronics will remain on lockdown.

What I did let slide was my appearance. Day one of quarantine I changed from my nighttime pajamas into my daytime pajamas (yes, there is such a thing as daytime pajamas) and kept that up for a good two weeks. It was wonderful. I was so comfortable and I was eating whatever I wanted because I couldn’t feel my pants getting tighter. My pajamas were very forgiving. I did continue to wear make up though, (which made absolutely no sense since I was in pajamas but there you have it). I figured, at least I was somewhat put together.

Then one day, I showed up in the background of my daughters ZOOM call in my pajamas (and ROBE) and I decided getting dressed in the morning would be a good idea. That said, I did stop wearing makeup. Something had to give. It’s not a quarantine if you’re fully dressed with face full of make up. Am I right?

I was enjoying this new phase of quarantine until my daughter’s teacher asked me to sit down and talk to her on ZOOM. It wasn’t scheduled, it was random. She was giving my daughter a lesson and asked for me to come on screen for a chat. So there I was, no make up (ok, no bra either) and a teacher waiting for me to sit down to speak with her. I couldn’t ask for her to wait for me to put on some make up and and a bra so I did the only thing I could do… I stood by the computer, never showed myself, and had a full on conversation. I didn’t give an explanation. Who knows what she thought. Couldn’t be as bad as what she would have thought if she saw me!

Now, I get dressed (bra and all) and I put on make up… Thanks ZOOM! What did you let slide? Comment down below.

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