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Daily Archives: June 12, 2020

Craft Stick Dolls

Let me start off by saying, these dolls were so much fun to make. My daughters loved creating their doll family (ok, I enjoyed making them too), and they played with them for hours… I may have joined in. I’m telling you, they are fun! They got quite attached to their new dolls, and when it came time to pack for our weekend at the beach, they couldn’t fathom leaving them behind, so we put them in the suitcase and brought them along!

We brought them to the beach and my daughters built them sandcastle homes to live in.

And of course, the dolls sat poolside as they swam.

If you want to make these craft stick dolls, all you need are some popsicle sticks, washi tape, markers and scissors.

It has been nice to have a change of scenery. We hope to spend every weekend at the beach. We will have to think of another fun craft to bring along with us next weekend. And of course, these dolls will be joining us again!

Comment down below with your thoughts, and let me know how it went if you make some craft stick dolls. Looking forward to hearing from you!

*Adult supervision is required*

Nature Wands

If your children are anything like mine, they spend a great deal of time pretending to be wizards from Harry Potter. Recently, one of my daughters lost the Hermione wand she was given last Christmas. It just magically disappeared… see what I did there! Well, I thought it was funny.

Anyway… I thought of a quick fix this morning. Since we have a bunch of sticks, leaves and flowers in our backyard, we decided to make some nature wands. We quickly went onto Pinterest, typed in nature wands, and of course it’s a thing. We got a few quick tips and then got to work collecting all of the materials we needed to make this happen.

What You’ll Need

Stick (make sure it is smooth so your child doesn’t get hurt)

Masking tape

Flowers & leaves

Rubber band ( if needed)

How To:

Wrap your stick with the sticky part of your tape facing out. Don’t cover the entire stick, you want to leave part of it showing. That will be the handle. Press the leaves and flowers onto the masking tape. If it is a larger flower, as shown on two our ours, you can wrap a small rubber band around it to keep it attached. And that’s it! It is quick and easy. We had fun looking around for bits and pieces to add to our wands, and my daughters have been casting spells all morning.

Comment down below with your thoughts or let me know how it went if you give these nature wands a try. Looking forward to hearing from you.

*Adult supervision is required*